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The Reno Collectibles Show opens for registration!

Well, here goes nothing. If you're one of the many dealers who asked how soon you can register for the inaugural Reno Collectibles Show... the answer is at midnight tonight (12:00:01am Nov 1st, 2024 Pacific). DUE TO FEEDBACK I RECEIVED, THE DEALER SHOW PORTION OF THE SHOW WILL BE 2 DAYS - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Sunday will be a tour day and also a travel day. Speakers, if I can arrange them, will be outside show hours.

Click here (and scroll past huge logo - sorry) to get registered as an attendee and/or secure your dealer space:

Registration is through Constant Contact and payments via Stripe. If you'd prefer a hardcopy form and to send a check, I'll work something up to send you. Once I see a few people successfully register online, I'll do an email blast to the dealer contacts we have gathered so far. We're targeting 1000 dealer/vendors (to contact, not have at the show!) this first time out and hope to get ~200 at this show.

Early bird registration is limited to the first 100 dealers (any number of tables up to 10 per dealer) or Dec 31, 2024, whichever comes first. $150/table
Secondary registration is limited to the next 200 dealers through Feb 28th. $200/table
Late registration continues through 4/1/2025 at $250/table and we have a cap of 400 tables (probably less with the staging and spacing I'm targeting).

Each standard "booth" will come with one 8' front table only. No back tables at this time (they will be available for 20% over cost if I can get them). I didn't want to order them for all dealers because some don't want/need them and it jacks the price up on every dealer. If it turns out most everyone want them, I'll just add it to the booth cost next year.

Each table comes with a tablecloth and 2 chairs. Orders for 2+ tables will get first priority on corner booths. Standalone/large booths (dealer supplied) can be accommodated by special request.

Layout is still being worked on, but I'm planning to have a medium sized raised rectangular stage in the center of the room with dealer rows radiating out from the center toward the edges of the room. Collectible types will be grouped by default (coins, casino, dolls, comics, etc) but vendors can choose to be in any area they wish. I plan to have wireless mics for roaming as well as for stage presentations and live auctions. This design is NOT in concrete and very subject to change.

Each registration (including dealers) must "buy" a FREE pre-reg attendee ticket. This will help me plan overall attendance. Everything else (t-shirts, dealer tables, extra chairs, display cases, etc) is optional.

The Sunday Reno Historical Tour is still being planned. If you want to go on it, there are currently only 28 seats available due to the size vehicle I need to rent without going huge, so lock that up ASAP. If that sells out quickly (and I suspect it will), I'll arrange to get a bigger vehicle and open signups again (to probably 50?).

I'm still working on the poker, blackjack, and slot tournaments but you can "sign up" to save your spot when you register. ($0 cost during online registration). We'll collect payment on-site so we don't get in trouble with the law.

I expect there to be some bugs or "flow" issues. If you notice something, please bring it to my attention so I can correct it. Have I bitten off more than I can chew? I don't think so, and I can abandon things I haven't yet announced or completed, so it will be fine.

Please share this registration link with other people and groups so I can make this a resounding success and make plans to do it all again each year. If you're a member of a club (glass/bottle collectors, silver strikers, comics, action figures, trading cards, or anything else collectible), I'd really appreciate it if you could talk up this show with the fellow members of your groups. If any club/group gets at least 10 dealer tables, I'll provide some meeting space during the show for y'all to get together. It probably won't be a private room this time around, but there will be tables and chairs.

Those of you who have graciously offered to help with organizing and setup, I promise I'll get a list of what I need help with shortly. For now, help me get dealers locked in so I don't lose my butt financially.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email, text, or call. Official contact info for the show is below my name.

-- Barry Sherwood

Reno Collectibles Show (website isn't even started yet - gimme a week) (gets forwarded to me for now) (please like and follow. Once we hit 25, I can get a shorter URL)
More socials coming (instagram, twitter, etc)
775-360-4007 (voice only)
530-570-2222 (voice or text)

Copyright 2022 David Spragg