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Re: Can you picture one/both, PLease

What’s the deal Robert ?
It’s not Fake
I own it, Garin has owned it,Martin has owned it.
It’s not cut out like the picture looks like it might be.
It’s flush with crosshatching clean across the chip from
center to edge.
It’s spectacular and real.
If anything it’s whatever they use to secure the inlay with
coming out on the edges and yellow just shows it more.
with crosshatching clean across the top of it with no edges
and uniform with the rest of the chip.
100% Real !!!

Messages In This Thread

New acquisitions
Congrats.... 👍
Thanks John
Re: £50 SC beauty.
Re: £50 SC beauty.
Q, that no one ha asked, IS THIS A FAKE ? 50Pd...
Here's a few on same mold from ChipGuide.
It’s not a cut out, just discoloration.
Re: It's not a fake.
Re: Can you picture one/both, PLease
Re: Doubtful but I'll see what I can do.
Re: Looks like I did take a copy.
Re: Can you picture one/both, PLease

Copyright 2022 David Spragg