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Re: Eventually ALL casinos will go…

When I attended the recent LV chip show at Gold Coast, I noticed players doing a group version of baccarat: A live dealer (with actual cards, at least!) is up front and on video for about 20 players at individual "desks" betting electronically. No chips; 1 live employee per 20 players (2x big baccarat and 3x mini-baccarat ratios). No chip handling; TITO, I assume, for cash in/cash out.

Career future in gaming is as a slot mechanic, or whatever they call the employees that install and maintain the equipment.

As for collecting, look to token collectors for a possible trend for chippers. Lots of older items; much fewer new releases. Silver strikes are only a niche collectible now too. The future casino collectible? TITO's! (Sorry, being sarcastic here. Nothing against them, but it's not the glamor of gaming.) Eventually, it may be hard to fill all those hotel rooms unless the restaurants, shows, etc. are compelling enough. JMO.

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Where the buffalo chips no longer roam... sad
Re: Where the buffalo chips no longer roam... *sad
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Eventually ALL casinos will go…
Re: Eventually ALL casinos will go…
Re: Eventually ALL casinos will go…
Sad news ~ another one bites the dust..... sad
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