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In Response To: Re: Wow, 300 Tables! ()

Does Reno ‘Collectibles’ Show include sports card and sports memorabilia sellers?

The past two summers, I attended the Nationals in both Cleveland and Chicago, and the attendance and sales at these are phenomenal. 1,000+ dealers. 100,000+ attendees. If that many people are coming in to Cleveland, there is no reason why people won’t go to Reno..albeit smaller numbers.

These collectors and dealers spend big bucks, and this has been the hottest hobby in the world over the past 5 years. Phenomenal growth and portfolio values..truly investments as well as a hobby..

Messages In This Thread

Reno Collectibles Show - Update and Survey
Sounds fun! Responded to survey grin
Wow, 300 Tables!
There is no end in filling up a room w/ 100% ~~~
Re: Wow, 300 Tables!
Yes, ALL collectibles are welcome
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Same result
Re: Same result
Never mind
Not sure how I offended you, but…
Barry, it all sounds GREAT!! Tons of...
Re: Barry, it all sounds GREAT!! Tons of...

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