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Re: Wow, 300 Tables!
In Response To: Wow, 300 Tables! ()

I'm creating lists of potential dealers, attendees, sponsors, vendors, casinos, etc. If any of you have contacts for people or entities that you feel would add to the world of collectibles by being present (I'm even contacting shippers, card graders, 3D printing people, etc), I want to hear from them and have them at my show. The only restrictions I currently have is "no guns or knives". Not because I'm against them. It's just that we have tons of shows in Reno for those already and I don't want moms and dads choosing not to allow their kids to come to the show because of their presence.

Do you have any specific contacts in this arena? If not, I'll just start googling. In fact, I have 4 people doing google searches starting this week so I can get my dealer list up to 1000+. I have 200 right now. Yes, including all of the folks who I found in the CCA programs. Expect a dealer packet in the next 2 weeks.

I've received 7 surveys back so far. Only reviewed the first one, but man it was full of great ideas. Thank you, Bob Pardue, for being first. I can't wait to check out the others and view the "poll" results that many of the questions churn out. Here's a link if you haven't filled one out yet.

-- barry

Messages In This Thread

Reno Collectibles Show - Update and Survey
Sounds fun! Responded to survey grin
Wow, 300 Tables!
There is no end in filling up a room w/ 100% ~~~
Re: Wow, 300 Tables!
Yes, ALL collectibles are welcome
No google account
Try this
Same result
Re: Same result
Never mind
Not sure how I offended you, but…
Barry, it all sounds GREAT!! Tons of...
Re: Barry, it all sounds GREAT!! Tons of...

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