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Thank you, Reggie Gummer!

Recently, Reggie and I worked out a trade for a $0.25 placeholder chip from Monte's Club in Winnemucca NV and I'm very appreciative of not only his willingness to do the trade, but doing it under the threat of the hurricanes that ravaged Florida recently. Happily, he's safe and we'll take care of shipping each other our treasures this week. I've purchased a few items from Reggie in the past, but I've only had the opportunity to briefly meet and speak to him once or twice at past CCA events. I appreciate CCA members like Reggie who are actively offering items for sale and trade, and who happily answer questions from other members rather than disparage them.

Reggie, your chips are ready to go out Tuesday when the post office returns to service after the holiday weekend. I'm looking forward to adding the MC chip to my collection as well.

-- barry

Messages In This Thread

Thank you, Reggie Gummer!
And Thank You Barry!
Reggie is a great guy!
Re: Thank you, Reggie Gummer!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg