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I like to thank you all for your prayer, love and well wishes coming this way during very hard time in my life, I love my wife of 55 years very much she was everything for me, she took care of the whole family, Children, Grandchildren, Great Grand Children, took care of the house, the kids everything, she is leaving a big emptiness in our heart, we are going to miss her very much.
There is not going to be a Funeral, or a service, of any kind, there is a viewing of 30 minutes for the family tomorrow then she is going to be cremated and they will call us to go and pick up the remains in about a week, this is the way she wanted and this is the way she is having it, (always having her way),
Again, thank you all, you really know your friends when you need them, and you all came through for me, I love you guys, even my Granddaughter say to me, Papa, you got lots of good friends, and I said THE BEST mi hija, THE BEST.

Messages In This Thread

Manny Orama's wife passed away last night
My condolences to Manny and his family
Re: Manny Orama's wife passed away last night
So sorry for your loss Manny
Very sorry for your loss Manny
So sorry for your loss Manny
So sorry. Prayers to Manny… sad
Condolences to Manny and his family
Very sorry for your loss, Manny.
Awful and such sad news!Prayers to the family sent
Re: Manny Orama's wife passed away last night
Awful news ....
May God bless...
Sorry buddy take care
Oh no! That's terrible.
Manny, So Sorry for Your Loss.
My condolences to the family.
Manny, may Eva Rest in Peace...
Our Condolences... my friend.
That’s very sad news
Manny, My Condolences To You and The Family
So sorry to hear this!!!!
Re: Manny Orama's wife passed away last night
Manny our thoughts and prayers are with you
Re: Manny Orama's wife passed away last night
Re: Manny Orama's wife passed away last night
Manny my friend I am so sad and sorry to hear this
Re: Manny Orama's wife passed away last night
sad news,
Terribly sorry
So sorry to hear. My condolences.
Condolences To Manny...
Condolences and prayers
So sorry for your loss Manny & family
My condolences to Manny and his Family
Our Condolences to Manny and his Family
Re: Manny Orama's wife passed away last night
Deepest sympathy to Manny & family
So very sorry to hear, Manny, please ...
Manny such a great family you have and with us too
Our condolences, so sorry for your lossu
Deepest sympathies' Manny
Thank you Archie

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