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No reason to think it's that one

There was a club called Broadway during the poker boom on 15th Street in the Flatiron district. It was raided and shut down in September or October 2005. I gathered that information at the time, from ads, newspaper articles and monitoring chat rooms that used to exist on 2+2 and other sites.

Both of the auctions I saw suggested it was from a club in the 2000's called Broadway in Manhattan, which would refer to that club I reference above. The second set of chips were found on Long Island. None of that fits with a 1980's club in upstate New York (Orange County).

That is interesting information about the dates of home set availability. I don't have a 2000's example of lcv or scv hat and cane chips, but this chip (below) was definitely from NYC in the 2000's. A chipper picked it up for me from the club:

Note that it does not have the home game colors/inserts.

Michael Siskin

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New Information
Re: New Information
Possible, but probably not
Broadway Social Club (1980s) maybe
No reason to think it's that one
Typo - On 25th St, not 15th

Copyright 2022 David Spragg