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Incorrect chip ID on eBay

This chip auction ends tomorrow, late afternoon.
The American Legion is divided into "departments" with each state as a department and responsible for numbering Legion posts in their state.
Theoretically, each state could have a post 246. I found at least 9 different posts with that number, in a very quick google search.
The seller would not divulge where the Illinois ID came from. They banned me from bidding for asking where they got the location ID.
Do not buy this chip thinking it is from Illinois. It most likely is not from there.
Wrong is wrong, no matter who it is.
Very deceptive and evasive in my opinion. Selling chips with incorrect attribution has been a current topic of discussion. Shouldn't this be corrected now ??
Thanks for reading.
Doug in Kingman, Az.

Messages In This Thread

Incorrect chip ID on eBay
Re: Incorrect chip ID on eBay
Needs some proof !!
Welcome to the Club
Thanks Charles !!
Is there an index of AL locations ?
Each state has list of posts
***Try Danville California***
Very possible Jay !!
I’m assuming that’s more than just a guess
Re: Incorrect chip ID on eBay
Great business model !!!
Re: Incorrect chip ID on eBay
Look at all the sellers who block the whole USA.
You Don’t Even Know How Good You Have It..

Copyright 2022 David Spragg