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Thanks for posting this so quickly

As always, nice auction! But I can't wait for the day when I have every chip I want for my collection. Then I can sit on my back patio, sipping mint juleps, knowing that it's done. I'm finished. No more chips to get. No more chasing rainbows. The pot of gold has been acquired. Yep, that day is coming. I'm sure of it. Just around the corner. Only 68 more to go and I'm calling it quits. Yessirree, Bob. Can't be much longer, right? Anyone else feel the same way? vbg

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Chip Chat Auction #63 - Prices realized
Thanks for posting this so quickly
That's when your second line of collecting starts
NOOOOO! Say it isn't so!!! vbg
Re: Chip Chat Auction #63 - Prices realized
[raises hand]
Re: Chip Chat Auction #63 - Prices realized
Re: Chip Chat Auction #63 - Prices realized

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