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IMAGINE a ChipGuide ~~~

~~~ INTRODUCTION at any major collectibles event such as at our hospitality table at the ANA, which the CCA is a member club... where thousands of visitors attend each day.

Years ago while hosting our hospitality table at FUN, the president of the Panama Numisatic Association introduced himself and told me he was writing a book and if I had any images of vintage casino chips from Panama... I turned to the Panama section of TGT and pointed to the list and then put him in contact with someone at USPC.

The following year he presented me with a copy of his book and explained that USPC did not have any index to the chip books and that it took many hours to find the chips from Panama.

A few days after returning home I sent USPC a copy of the index Eisenstadt's housekeeper composed from Herz' original photos which was way before their book was published.

IMAGINE not only what we can show the World... but, what the World can show us................

Copyright 2022 David Spragg