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Re: Alan, my neighbor is 85 and he
In Response To: Alan, my neighbor is 85 and he ()

My grandfather was a pharmacist at Gimbels and was told when he was 60 that he should think about retiring. At 65 they told him it was mandatory retirement age and he should go. At 70 they made him retire so he moved from Milwaukee to Sheboygan to be near his daughter and by the way take a pharmacist job there. He continued to work there until he was 85 and continued to drive until he was 90. We should all be so lucky just to be physically able to last that long.

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Alan, my neighbor is 85 and he
Re: Alan, my neighbor is 85 and he
Over 80 in Florida requires a vision exam ~~~
You answer to the name lucky

Copyright 2022 David Spragg