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My current road trip. Who wants to meet up?

My wife and I are on a 6+ week adventure. Left Reno 4/10. Heading to Denver today. Going to Daytona Beach 4/19-4/28 for a Jeep event, then up the east coast and into Canada via Maine, re-entering in Michigan, down to Chicago/Indiana, then across the top of the US and back to Reno. Any chippers along the way care to meet up for coffee or cocktails? Here are our maps. Our return route is flexible. No set agenda, cities or timeline. My email is

Outbound Reno->Florida (4/10 - 4/28):

Return trip (4/28 - ??)

Hope to see/meet some of you.

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My current road trip. Who wants to meet up?
Northeast region looks exciting.
Barry, LMK when your in Chicagoland
Beautiful trip Barry, Enjoy and safe travels!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg