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Carey Burke photo. A very long time friend.

Its been a horrible sad year with the loss of way too many friends of many years. Rich Burgel. Barry Weintraub and then Carey and just before at Christmas his wife Pat. My dad met Carey in 1965 when he went to work at Bonanza Airlines Las Vegas. Soon after he met my mother there too and I came along in November of 68. Carey and my dad did so much together. From my dads car dealing for many years to transporting cars and more. When I got into chips and casino collecting in 1982 it was fun to share my finds with Carey. He was into the postcards too and thats where I started. I remember I was real excited when he told me how he had collected chips since 1968. My birth year! Carey and Pat knew me a long time- just days after I was born.
Recently Carey had told my dad “ don't mourn over me or feel bad when I go, Ive had the most perfect life “. It showed too! Always helping and smiling. He sure enjoyed the chip club and so many friends. It was a sad night a couple Fridays ago when Phil Jensen called me. Another great friend Ill see when in Vegas.
R.I.P Carey and Pat.

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Carey Burke photo. A very long time friend.
Tribute to my Buddies and Friends who have passed
Carey....What A Wonderful Guy
Re: Carey Burke photo. A very long time friend.
Great people, RIP Pat & Cary
RIP Carey Burke you were HUGE asset to our hobby

Copyright 2022 David Spragg