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My dude! You’re a skipping record right now

No one is telling you (or anyone else here) to not fight the good fight. You’ve stated your feelings, presented your arguments, made your case, and expressed your sentiments for your favored candidate and your disfavored candidate. Repeatedly. Multiple times. Superfluously. With great redundancy over and over and over and over and over… well, you get the idea. There’s not a single person (except Rich Hanover who says he’s somehow managed to not read any political posts - Kudos to you, Rich!) you and the others haven’t reached. Your words and the words of several others are indelibly etched into probably a THIRD of all words posted in the past couple three months. If you stopped right now, it would take until the end of the election for the rest of us to collectively write enough non-vitriolic words to surpass the totals racked up by the negative ranters. The CCA (or perhaps The Chip Board) should have the equivalent of a Razzy Award and give it to “The member who writes, produces, and stars in a self-directed drama with the lowest rotten tomato rating.” Multi-way ties are allowed with each recipient given a participation ribbon stolen from entitled children and a lifetime supply of fetid bio-waste. The award could be called the Chipper Razzy, or Crazy for short.

Yes, I’m being sarcastic. Intentionally sarcastic in the hopes that it shames those involved enough to stop the madness. None of you are saying anything new. You’re all playing your own broken records over and over with the needle skipping back to the same chorus. We’ve heard your song. On repeat. Flipped over and back. A lot. Message received. Complaint delivered. Your work is done here. We get it. We feel you. You’ve been heard. Have I overlooked any way of saying the same thing in slightly different ways? I hope not. I might have to repeat this message and wouldn’t that just suck for everyone here?

Messages In This Thread

Jim Follis
Both Jerry and Jim have taken the high road
Re: Both Jerry and Jim have taken the high road
No one cares who started it
Re: No one cares who started it
Re: No one cares who started it
I’m in the process of actively banning fake acct
Re: I’m in the process of actively banning fake
I’m not personally tied to the current SW
Re: I’m not personally tied to the current SW
Fun side note
My dude! You’re a skipping record right now

Copyright 2022 David Spragg