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Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?

I simply wish I could say I'm amazed at the continuing behavior on this board/web site and how deep and vile it's getting.

I know that I've had an issue or 2 with some folks here and I own my part of whatever that is. I've been doxed multiple time in attempts to , well I don't even know what. I know that some of the usual cast of characters are experts at baiting and driving false narratives which comes with a sometimes unsatiable urge to respond in ones own defense. However, some of the usuals are hedging on unhinged behavior and the admin of this board, the PRESIDENT OF THIS CLUB, you know the HMFIC, The head honcho, not only remains silent but does nothing to curb the behavior. I have no real issue with David but come on now. Isn't enough enough??? Even as admin of the board much less the leader of the club? The silence toward the behavior by club leadership is 100% encouraging this behavior. The VP has also been curiously silent on the voices spewing.

This is supposed to be FUN. A hobby shouldn't hurt. and grown adults should seriously treat each other better. If I was a new chipper or thinking of starting in a hobby and came to the boards and read a small portion of what's being said I WOULD RUN AS FAST AS I COULD FROM THE CLUB and the hobby. As an outsider id start collecting leaves in fall after seeing some of the CRAP that goes on in the inner workings of this club by so few affecting so many. Remember BOD and Committee's etc. You're representing a membership, while shrinking (Wonder why?) of 1000 folks. This is how you make them look! I encourage all elected board members to call for and administer a bit of calm and let the election take its course.

Make our club attractive. Make it FUN like it's supposed to be. Be welcoming and warm, and if you cant do that try being QUIET.

I see that James Hogg is now stating that he didn't want the secretaries job. He took it for a friend because no one stepped up, now Its too much, it is tolling on his marriage (his words not mine), its chewing up his paid time off at his job, so on and so on, doesn't sound like a lot of FUN to me. James you ask to be replaced so it can better your life? I suggest you step down as secretary effective immediately.. I say this with all due respect, I hear in your words how it makes you feel and a hobby shouldn't do that to anyone. Besides who wants someone in a position that they don't even want? That's good for no one.

Unconventionally, and in the interest of the club and hobby........

It seems clear to me that a good candidate for the secretaries job would be Jerry Vergatos. I'm not sure he would want to bow out of the election and take the position but I think if he did want it that you could recommend that the president replace you, James, and appoint Jerry to the position for the duration of the term. I believe it would serve to alleviate a couple issues many may have, it would put an immediate stop to all the vitriol going on in regard to the election. It would also show that, if he wanted to accept the position that he is truly interested in the best for the club. It would also give Jerry a chance to show the membership that he can be depended on to care for the club in any position he may hold. It would show the membership that he can work with and in the BOD and if he were to seek office in the future for any other position that he was accountable and dependable.

It would also serve to let Mr. Follis retain his position as Vice President of the club and not have to endure further comment from the peanut gallery and maybe, just maybe, encourage or excite him to be the best vice president he could be. You know like actually get things done for the club. After all the club does what, 2 events a year? The show and Casino Rama? It doesn't seem to me that its that hard. I know a lot goes into the planning and execution but a friend said to me, "If I need a volunteer for a job, I ask people who I think would excel in that job" "Asking for a show of hands from the crowd for volunteers is an easy out for the crowd". LEADERSHIP!

A lot of things need to be addressed with the club. Not just talked about, committees formed, talk, talk, talk, then nothing happens. Membership is an issue (New), Member retention is a problem (not surprising), modernization of the clubs processes. REAL LEADERSHIP IS NEEDED in the "National, international" club that is the face of the entire hobby. Again I say that if someone looking into starting down the path to casino collecting all they'd need to do is look at what goes on in public forums and they'd RUN.

Like so many before us I think there were good stewards of the hobby of collecting and the CCA was born. I also see that there is many more folks into profiting from the hobby as they pose as true collectors or stewards of the hobby while doing so.

I say to any member of the board of this club, if you're not going to be the best of the best steward of the hobby and the job is too much or too stressful, step down. Let someone with the true spirit of the hobby step up and MAKE CHIPPING GREAT AGAIN. MAKE CHIPPING FUN AGAIN.

There should be NO ROOM for the division of the membership. There should be no tolerating the behavior on these forums by members and especially no room from the leaders of this club to behave with anything but the hobby in mind. There's 110,000 little clay disc's in my home right now (Yes, I'm a sets guy with a singles collection also) and If I died tomorrow I certainly would not want my collection donated to the club in its current state. From the outside looking in its like the wild west. No order, no civility, no welcoming vibe....... I could go on but this is enough words now.

Members and leaders should reach out and demand the vile stop and let the candidates speak for themselves.

I could go on but in its current condition the club has more issues than my two little fingertips can type! LESS TALK, MORE ACTION.

Thanks if you got this far, lets have some peace.


Messages In This Thread

Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
got it.....
You have a solution to a resignation
Lastly..........More tools
Horse in the race.
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Re: Isn't it ENOUGH NOW?
Someone asked whats up....
Do you understand how non-profits work?
Re: Do you understand how non-profits work?
Oh, did I say I was Upset?
Re: Oh, did I say I was Upset?
I never suggested there were
You’re right

Copyright 2022 David Spragg