Somewhere along the line, the CCA's member database was purged of all non-active members (which is something a database admin would NEVER DO). So, for the past couple of weeks, I've been working at reconstructing the historical member listing using the old Club magazines that are posted to the Club's website. This method will not give me those who opted out of sharing information, but it's the best thing available. What got me started with this, if you're interested, was trying to assemble a listing of our members who have passed away to be used for some kind of ongoing memorial. I've found 275 so far, but I suspect I'm missing at least half.
I've made my way through 14 years so far, but I hit a snag at Volume 13, issue #4, where the posted version has pages missing, other pages duplicated, and lots out of order.
If anyone has this issue (Fall 2000), I would appreciate it if you could scan pages 12 and 14 and e-mail them to me.
When I've done what I can in reconstructing the membership listing, I'll probably be asking for help with the memorial listing.
Thanks in advance!