Chips from across the midwest (and Florida)
$0.00 $4 (non-denom. Worthless? Not to me, and hopefully not to you)
$0.25 $4 (two bits)
$0.50 $4 (four bits)
$1.00 $4 (buckaroos)
$2.00 $10 (double buck!)
$2.50 $8 (snap it up!)
Shipping $4 for single chip in USPS non-machinable envelope. $6 for 1st class bubble envelope with tracking or $12 for small 2-day priority to US addresses only. Chips from different batches/posts can be combined.
Happy to discount for bulk purchases across multiple posts/batches.
Specify chips by giving me the batch# (in subject), row, column, and casino name.
I accept PayPal ( and VenMo (@Barry-Sherwood). Friends & family only, please, or add 5% for goods & services.