would be MY answer.
Didn't we do that in the 60s? Well it kind of stuck for bottle and food, but since they require the label to have OZ and LBS, people just don't adapt. Same with weather. If we went C like most of the rest of the world, we'd soon learn that when It's 23 it's hot out and when it's 10 it's cool and when it's 0 it's freezing. But no... everyone has to convert and stick with the old.
MPH I think is better than KMPH because miles and minutes are a related system. Time and degrees and all that.
Every try to fix something with bolts and nuts and screws. Now we get cars that are mixed. Some parts Metric and some fractional. Lets be happy that Wentworth and decimal inch tools are obsolete.
Just in case, and because I read the previous messages. This is for everyone: read the flow chart and the notations.
And poly bags are mentioned. Also things that slip around in the package, even though I don't do that. I think they get stuck on the under 3/4" and doesn't bend 1" If it's under a 1/4" it's non-machinable.