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vbg Harvest Stories from here & abroad mad


Hello Chippers; Here is a short story from yours truly or a guest author of our experiences while harvesting somewhere in the gaming world. A few are from countries out side the USA. Most are entertaining and most are instructive as to what to do or what not to do while harvesting chips from casinos or card rooms.
Some people have compulsions to gamble, some to amass fortunes and other’s, they just like to write stories; yeah, that would be me. I was never very good at it; but I have done it over the years just the same.
If any of you want any inside info on any casino that I’ve been to, I would be happy to tell you what I can.




by Carl Shalit

Meanwhile, below is a gathering story from me. Your call to use it whenever.

I still do a fair amount of travel for work, and, depending on where I’m going, my wife will go with me. She particularly likes the west coast cities (we’re in Massachusetts) but some other places appeal to her. However, regardless of where my travels take me, to the extent possible, I will do some gathering based on what the Chipguide tells me I’m missing (but I always ask just in case!). I also try to do some sightseeing along the way, especially when my wife is with me. Last fall we were in Portland Oregon for a meeting and, after the meeting, drove to the Oregon coast then inland to Crater Lake (one of the most beautiful scenic spots in the world) and then to Warm Springs and back to Portland. Picked up a couple of chips along the coast and then, in Warm Springs (Indian Head) got not only their new(ish) $1.00 but also a couple of $5.00 which were not in the Chipguide (since posted). All in all, a very nice trip for the scenery and for chippin’.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg