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Rough Day on the Bay !!

When you live on a bay about 5 miles from the Atlantic Ocean it is truly a pleasure about 99% of the time. However, every once and a while you have to deal with coastal storms and even Hurricanes. This past Saturday we were battered by high winds from remnants of Hurricane Ophelia as she moved up the East coast. We had some branches blown off a maple tree that overhangs our deck. One of the larger branches smashed on to the deck and destroyed a glass topped table and a near by bench. The water in the river was much higher than normal and covered our pier and filled the road behind our house. This was a moderate flooding event and we did not lose power.
Ophelia is still hanging around and we are supposed to get higher than normal tides again tomorrow. Luckily the water went down on the road today and I was able to get out and go to the P.O. and mail out some chips and pick up some groceries.
I hope Ophelia moves on soon and we can enjoy some nice cool Fall days on the water and some great sunsets !!

Take care,

Messages In This Thread

Rough Day on the Bay !!
Jerry, Hang tuff and be safe I know U R A strong 1
Tough going Jerry soon will pass
Re: Rough Day on the Bay !!
Sorry about your table
Glad you're safe, Jerry!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg