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Closing in on 100

The new CCA forums (message board) has nearly 100 members. Who will be the coveted 100th person to sign up? Technically, whomever is the 101st signup is actually the 100th PERSON as I have 2 accounts - one for admin purposes and one as a regular user. After we sort out which accounts are CCA members, we’ll see who the 100th CCA member is to sign up. Maybe there should be prizes? Anyway, get on over to and sign up for your account to beat the crowds later. And don’t forget to add your ideas and thoughts in the Suggestion Box so we can keep improving the experience for everyone. A goodly handful of people who frequent this board have graciously volunteered to help me with whatever tech tasks come our way, so we’re building a nice team and we will continue to steam ahead with improvements for the club and it’s members.

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Closing in on 100
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg