About targeting to your audience.
During all the excitement in the late Spring I was talking with some folks about having some unified communication materials about the club. (logo, web site URL, QR code, etc). Something that can easily be splashed everywhere, pointed to, etc.
If we can settle on something like that, in addition to the magazine other printed materials with the standard information would be great to hand out. .
Since the Club can be know both ways, maybe separate materials can be done emphasizing the legal name of the club for FUN and ANA?
I think it points out the interconnected-ness of several subjects that are floating around:
- needing a modern web site for a good first impression
- clearly defining the advantages of joining the club - what are the benefits?
- social media footprint and publicity
While I don't have the capacity right now to lead this, I would be happy to help out in anyway the Board sees fit. I have already helped with YouTube and it's a lot of fun!