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Re: Oh, unlike you, I actually read posts......

You really don’t have many weapons in your arsenal (well, effective ones anyway) do you? I find that surprising as you have obviously read the “Stone Playbook” but as you only seem able to utilise about 5 of the techniques maybe you should read it again. Mind you, I suppose that most aren’t applicable for on here so it’s understandable, I suppose.
Telling somebody to drop it and then carrying it on is not only hypocritical but also pretty stupid although classic projection technique so totally expected.
Wow, you really are special, needs to be said, aren’t you? How did you manage to say that I should read your posts and not just the heading with a straight face after doing exactly that (see below)? Projection again.
Telling me to read the post and not just the heading is actually hilarious considering I obviously read the posts hence my having (and being able) to correct all of the errors/mistakes/lies/untruths you constantly make whereas you don’t even bother as you’ve said often enough. This was clearly shown by the “Can’t get what you want” heading as it was the only thing you mentioned even though it was a reply to your last comment. Plus, your claim that you don’t read my posts is clearly untrue as you’ll pick up on some minor point that was mentioned in one and fixate on it so what you mean is, you only read what you want to which is a totally different thing entirely.
Yes, I would have liked to have known the admin’s reasoning behind changing where they were but now that I’m pretty certain who did it, it’s pointless as they will undoubtedly just repeat your reason/explanation which is just wasting my time so it doesn’t matter anymore and so would be meaningless anyway. It would be nice if they could confirm why they pulled out of a deal last year though as it would put why they got involved with this into more context.
I don’t believe I have ever said anything about the guide except for the fact that I would accept what they decided and where they eventually put them and, even though somebody other than the admin that usually handles the updates has done it, that still applies. When I say the usual admin, I mean the person you claim to have sent the update to, which was not true and we both know it. When called out on it you couldn’t explain or more precisely you tried and failed dismally, and then cried off saying that you are done when I asked again, yet another untruthful statement I expect. I may not agree with what they have done but I certainly wouldn’t cry to you about it, but I do object to the constant stream of rubbish that flows out of your, well, wherever it flows from.
What I’m not prepared to accept however is the fact that you constantly repeat the same untruthful things which I then have to keep correcting which is evident throughout the whole of this monotonous thread (and all of the others you “talk” on) and even though they have all been addressed, corrected and debunked many times over you like to keep repeating them as you just like talking for the sake of it. I don’t, especially to people that don’t actually listen and are oblivious to anything else but their own voice. You really need to update your material or maybe just change the record as listening to the same tune is boring.
I really can’t be bothered to go through them all again so these 2 examples will have to suffice to prove my point.
Show me where I ever said the word SECRET when mentioning your connection/contact, go on?
Or how about where I used the word ALSO in connection to used on roulette, you can’t can you?
Both things you keep banging on about but that you just made up to deflect from the actual things that are important. So, that’s deflection crossed off the list too.
Maybe the next time you thank the guide you should actually thank the admin that did it as I don’t think that the guide itself cares (or agrees).
Hopefully I won’t have to lower myself to talk to you again (and I’m sure you feel the same) so with any luck, we are done at last.
At least it kept you busy so you haven’t had the time to troll the rest of the board.

Messages In This Thread

ChipGuide Update for Playboy Club London
There are a total 9f three [3) for reassignment
Re: Yep, wrong but at least consistent.
The Portsmouth page lists non-denominated ~~~
Re: Rubbish.
.I have no secret contact w/ CG. It was YOU who ~~
Re: You can't always get what you want!!
Could it be you are assuming I had something to do
Re: Nope.
Yeah. I know. Mick told me that in '71 when ~~~
Re: Must have been hard.
Re: I'll say it s l o w l y..........
Re: Now it makes total sense.
Re: Maybe the admin would like to explain here.
The update looks perfect to me.
Re: Whatever............
Of course. It has a denomination like I said ~~~
Re: Oh, unlike you, I actually read posts......
Re: Oh, unlike you, I actually read posts......
Stop this dance and get a room already!
ChipGuide is maintaining the catalog ~~~~
Re: Total rubbish as usual.
The update form in my lead Post
Re: Really?
Elvis has left the building. An update was made ~~
Re: Benedic, The untruth teller.
Re: No thanks.
Re: Stop this dance and get a room already!
"Jeton" (in this case) is a form; not translation
This is his first reaction to an update
Re: Yep, and I stand by it.
Re: "Jeton" (in this case) is a form; not translat
Re: "Jeton" (in this case) is a form; not translat
Re: Yep, suggested.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg