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Re: You can't always get what you want!!

Which is clearly evident by the lack of anybody else commenting although I imagine that it also has something to do with them knowing that it is futile discussing anything with you as you aren’t the type to take other people’s opinions, views or advice into account or change your mind when that is all you can fit in at one time. This was shown best by the hissy fit you had when Rick tried to tell us to pack it in and you went off on one. Just because Benedic says it is so, doesn’t mean it’s right so get over yourself.
I only care because I have spent a lot of time with one of the UK admins tidying up the UK section whereas you have had no interest whatsoever in (or contributed much at all to) it until you bought the jetons on ebay and now you just want to carry on talking about them regardless of anything else. Obviously, there is still much to do in the UK section but it takes time and I’ve never wanted to feel like I am hassling the admin who has done a lot of great work on it so will only do what he asks by way of updating photos, adding missing information or offering opinions when asked. I like to add new ones when I get them as I feel that it is an invaluable guide and helps people to know what is out there.
If I was an admin faced with the prospect of dealing with somebody that has probably got their own way most of their life by whining, stomping their feet and spitting their pacifier (or throwing their rattle) out of the pram or somebody else that just wants what makes sense and doesn’t contradict itself then I would probably do the easiest thing too. That’s why I don’t expect the Portsmouth to move and thoroughly expect the London ones to move back. A lot less stress but (in my opinion) incorrect.
I didn’t see the point of involving the admins in a petty squabble and I’d hoped that they would do what was the most logical, sensible and appropriate thing with them. Whatever that was going to be I said I would accept it even if I didn’t agree with it although I have asked if whoever it was that decided to change the Portsmouth jetons would be kind enough to let me know their reasoning behind it but that hasn’t worked. The faith I had was misplaced which is fair enough and as you stated, I should just agree with what they decide (which I have), pity you can’t do the same as seen in your update you sent. Funny that the London ones were moved on the same day though.
Once we cut through all of the BS, irrelevant waffle and rubbish spouted it all comes down to 1 thing.
Which makes the most sense?
To put them under roulette chips with a note saying that they are jetons (which it a contradiction)
To put them under jetons with a note saying used on roulette. No, not “also” as you claimed that I said (and never did) and which is just 1 of many misquotes, quotes taken out of context or added (missed) words to make it suit your narrative that have been addressed, debunked, corrected and fact checked numerous times but still you persist in repeating the same old misinformation like a broken record. Just because you keep repeating it doesn’t make it true. That includes my “guess” that you had a contact (the word secret was never mentioned by me so yet another added word that I never said), it was my guess (being the key word) and just because you say it isn’t true doesn’t mean a thing. Plus cohort would probably have been a better word, I suspect. Not that it matters as it happens.
Unlike you, I don’t derive my pleasure (or spend a lot of my time) trolling the board waiting/looking for posts to hijack and make them all about myself just to massage my fragile ego or feel/look important and certainly don’t interact with you for the good of my health.
You really are an ignorant “Berk” aren’t you? I have no problem with you continuing to make yourself look a fool (you have it down to a fine art) but stop putting words into my mouth that I haven’t said because each time you do it, it forces me into having to debunk it yet again or you’ll just keep embellishing it and repeating it. Therefore, you stop stating alternative facts and I'll leave you alone, ok, sound fair?
There was only ever one FR table at Playboy according to my source so why there are 3 different types will probably remain a mystery (or will it?), oh well.

Messages In This Thread

ChipGuide Update for Playboy Club London
There are a total 9f three [3) for reassignment
Re: Yep, wrong but at least consistent.
The Portsmouth page lists non-denominated ~~~
Re: Rubbish.
.I have no secret contact w/ CG. It was YOU who ~~
Re: You can't always get what you want!!
Could it be you are assuming I had something to do
Re: Nope.
Yeah. I know. Mick told me that in '71 when ~~~
Re: Must have been hard.
Re: I'll say it s l o w l y..........
Re: Now it makes total sense.
Re: Maybe the admin would like to explain here.
The update looks perfect to me.
Re: Whatever............
Of course. It has a denomination like I said ~~~
Re: Oh, unlike you, I actually read posts......
Re: Oh, unlike you, I actually read posts......
Stop this dance and get a room already!
ChipGuide is maintaining the catalog ~~~~
Re: Total rubbish as usual.
The update form in my lead Post
Re: Really?
Elvis has left the building. An update was made ~~
Re: Benedic, The untruth teller.
Re: No thanks.
Re: Stop this dance and get a room already!
"Jeton" (in this case) is a form; not translation
This is his first reaction to an update
Re: Yep, and I stand by it.
Re: "Jeton" (in this case) is a form; not translat
Re: "Jeton" (in this case) is a form; not translat
Re: Yep, suggested.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg