As they should be but I expect they'll be moved soon too for no other reason than just to pacify you.
I also expect they'll be moved as it's probably less stress doing what you want as opposed to being consistent (or correct).
It must be great to have connections and be the type of person to whine, stomp your feet and throw your dummy out of the pram the loudest and I bet you are really proud of yourself for making a total mess of the Playboy roulette section just because you can't get away from them being used on roulette even though they are actually JETONS (as we have all agreed) that were used on roulette NOT chips, sad. Maybe you could try just as hard to get the section renamed now as it is not strictly correct as it doesn't just contain chips.
When the London ones are moved back into the wrong section I will get my name taken off as I don't want to be associated with errors if possible so congratulations, you're the man. You can put your head back in its usual place at last and go back to trolling posts to make them about you. Have a kit kat too, you deserve it.
As to having a go at Rick, wow, what a berk. He offered an opinion that was all. It still hasn't been ascertained that they are definitely from London although some of us think they are, myself included, but hey, when do actual facts ever matter when you can make up alternative ones. Contrary to what you believe, other people are allowed differing opinions to yours. I doubt you can get your head around that but maybe you could at least try. He may have even been saying it to me and not you, you are not the centre of the universe!
Let's hope you'll bother to go through the rest of the guide but in a more constructive way by actually adding missing information as opposed to just changing things for no other reason than because you can. Try updating sizes or dates casinos opened or even add manufacturers perhaps. You know, something useful for a change.
Maybe you could even put the Playboy roulette jetons on the guide now that you have what you want. Just a thought.