~~~ yours.
Are they 42 mm as well?
I find the whole thing very interesting and know a lot more after reading your posts which, of course bring up even more questions.
Though I did have many long phone conversations with Tom, and while he did send me proofs prior to publication which I guess he did with others, my information I shared with him was more about the BG product and what little I knew about Playboy and of UK casinos, in general, that was based only on what the girls who worked on the Florida casino boats wouldmtell me,, who knew other croups and a manager in Manchester, and I think Portsmouth, only, and nothing about Lomdon and much of that was in general and had nothing to do with chips except what few they had along with the player and VIP cards I would show here along with conversations where I was online while Tom was talking to Jeff on the phone and that was only about the £10 plaque he sent Tom a photo of. So, this was more of a learning event for me wifh a lot of dots that still do not connect but, as we both agree, maybe we will know a lot more in the not-too-far-off future.