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vbg Harvest Stories from here & abroad mad


Hello Chippers; Here is a short story from yours truly or a guest author of our experiences while harvesting somewhere in the gaming world. A few are from countries out side the USA. Most are entertaining and most are instructive as to what to do or what not to do while harvesting chips from casinos or card rooms.
Some people have compulsions to gamble, some to amass fortunes and other’s, they just like to write stories; yeah, that would be me. I was never very good at it; but I have done it over the years just the same.
If any of you want any inside info on any casino that I’ve been to, I would be happy to tell you what I can.





My wife and I decided to take a vacation in Florida, central (Orlando) and southern (Key West). Part of our agreement was that there would absolutely no “casino hopping” (my wife’s term for chip gathering).
As I have in the past, I met Mark Lighterman for lunch one day. Mark has been my main source of Florida chips for a number of years now. He did have several that I needed but there was one, the $2.00 from Gulfstream Park, which he could not get for me. He has one of his own but no extras. This naturally got me thinking so I emailed Reggie Gummer to see if he had one for sale. He said the same thing as Mark, that he had one but no extras.
Well, remember my wife and I agreed no casino hopping. But, after a brief(!) discussion, my wife agreed that we could stop at Gulfstream Park to see if I could get that chip.
As usual for a poker room, I started with the cage. My conversation with the cashier went as follows:

Me: “Hi!”

Cashier: “Hi! What can I do for you?”

Me: “I’m a chip collector. I have all the chips I want from Gulfstream except this one that I’m looking to buy (I showed him the picture on the ChipGuide which I already had up on my phone).”
Cashier: “Those chips are only for use by the dealers.”

Me: “I know that.”

Cashier: “We’re not supposed to sell them.”

Me: “I know that. All I want is one for my own collection if that’s at all possible.”
After a long pause:

Cashier: “Let me ask the floor manager.”
He called the floor manager over.

Cashier to the floor manager: “He would like to buy one of the $2.00 chips for his chip collection.”

Manager: “Those chips are only for use by the dealers.”

Me: “I know that.”

Manager: “We’re not supposed to sell them.”

Me: “I know that. All I want is one for my own collection if that’s at all possible. I know of two that other collectors have managed to get.”

Manager (expressing shock): “How?”

Me: “I have no idea!”
After a long pause:

Manager to cashier: “Go ahead. Sell him one!”
YEAH, SUCCESS! I tipped the cashier $3.00 and went on my merry way. Meanwhile my wife won $1.25 at a slot machine

.*Please nots: the Gulfstream poker room is closed now, has machines under new management…reg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg