Why do you want to argue? I gave CG credit for being more transparent with their submissons as they seem to have curtailed the practice of submissions with no name that were Ebay or Auction Site screen grabs. IF you want to debate this here on CB we can up to you. Heritage Auctions on line 1. Maybe ask Joe B why he had his images lifted from chips he bought on Heritage and after contacting Charles they were removed? Stop denying you had a history of being willy nilly with images and just move one as it seem you are doing.
Charles grabbing images of pokerchipper.com was proven with actual IP address info. If you think this is made up story I ask you to contact Danny M for proof..even though he posted it here. There's a reason that image was removed from Chipguide. Care to refute that as well?
I'm glad I fought and argued against your stupid copyright crusade and Charles being overbearing...both have been remedied or clearly shown to be true. DCMA after 4 DAYS against a 22 year old kid who does nothing but contribute to the hobby. What a fn joke. Was there even a public apology? You guys like to call people out publicly so why not apologize publicly?