It was only a few weeks ago that I spoke with Jim Blanchard. The strain of his medical condition weighed heavily on the conversation, but I had a chance to say my own good byes to a man who's legacy will continue to play a part in the history of the hobby of chip collecting and who had personal knowledge of the highly secured process of compression molding of chips and checks. Jim Blanchard has left a legacy of equipment used to manufacture chips, oral history tapes on Burt History from the day of Alonso Burt’s sale of the company to the bankruptcy of the Burt Company under John Kendall. Jim Blanchard was responsible for the preservation of a large amount of the Burt Co. history not destroyed during the vandalism of the company factory after bankruptcy. Jim Blanchard ‘s appreciation of Burt’s history, assisted by CCGTCC members, have insured that the primary equipment and history will not be lost and his legacy will grow. We will miss you, Jim. Thank you for your invaluable assistance. - Howard W. Herz – Kregg L. Herz – Gaming Archaeology