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Re: Though I am not answering for Jay, I do know ~


I was the one that conducted that membership drive. The exact number was 44. You must have only heard part of the program. The plan was once they joined the CCA they were to be turned over to a mentor immediately to connect with them, to see their interests, and help them get to know us. The mentors were supposed to be Hall of Famers who were to act as ambassadors for the Club. Who else but the best of our Club to make a good impression? That's where the system broke down. Roy Nelson did enact some programs as well but lacked participation.

Your comment that you want to wait and see is pessimistic. Do you want the success I had not suceed? I was very optimistic and still am. I brought 44 members to the Club. Perhaps if you would have shown interest and volunteered maybe we would have kept more renewed. What about all the members Doug Smith, Doug Bauldini, and so on brought in? Are they on your watch list?

I also suggest that you contact me with any questions as the only way you knew that number was from Jim Follis. There are two sides to each issue. That information was only shared at the board meeting where many had the same pessimistic attitude. I sincerely hope you are not one of those I told you so's

I would also hope that you renew your membership with the SNCCC as we engage with both Clubs on a monthly basis with a lot of activities. Also, please consider that your dues help our Club activities such as Facebook Live which to engage in

Please feel free to call and we can discuss any issues you have.


Messages In This Thread

Jay Sands
Though I am not answering for Jay, I do know ~~~
Re: Though I am not answering for Jay, I do know ~
Re: Though I am not answering for Jay, I do know ~
Re: Though I am not answering for Jay, I do know ~
Re: Though I am not answering for Jay, I do know ~
I can easilly understand a local club writing ~~~
I am Wondering
Not at all But you make a great point
Re: Not at all But you make a great point
True, nicely stated, let’s kindly move forward.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg