Here's how it's been going in our house for the last week or so...
ME: Honey, I posted the Golden Gate stuff today....take a look!
HE: You forgot the coolest thing in the collection!!
ME: What? I didn't forget anything, but not everything is scanned and in the files. I'm just posting stuff in the files. I'm not wandering around the house looking for things to post.
HE: But what about those souvenir glasses? You should post them!
ME: That's the coolest thing in the collection? All of our stuff, and THAT'S the coolest thing?
HE: Well...they're cool!
So this post is for my Husband
I actually did forget this one piece, it was in the file to be posted but I overlooked it. It's from a blackjack table at the Golden Gate, unfortunately it doesn't have a logo on it.
And the souvenir glasses that are cool!
And other stuff that he thought I forgot to post...