If we do not get a more saner approach to our club; become more modernized and aggressive, get more professional in the leadership roles we are never going expand to the needs of our membership. We do need professional leadership in order to grow and become more relevant to our membership. If we have to raise our membership dues to afford the leadership then so be it. We ALL need to be proud and confident in our Captain, our leader; and when we attend the national convention we need be able to enjoy it, not listen to some member rant and go on for a half an hour or more; and multiply the prior statement by 50 or more it ceases to be FUN, it ceases to be worthy of our travel dollars to get there and see friends that are on the same page as you or I am. When the leadership is paid for we expect results consistenly, if need be we can have an occasional vote of confidence, I beg of the current officers of the club to consider this. I have often thought about this in the same way Westen has so eloquently described the possibilities of changes, actual workable changes. That is my 2 cents, maybe it seems like nonsense to some of you but it is being done in other clubs that started the same way.
We have some hard working volunteers that make things happen year round, but we need more than that to grow, we need ideas, ways to make the money for advertismements, etc.
Reggie R7369