Good stories, Dave. Funny, I didn't mention Pierre because I figured fewer players would remember him, but that definitely shows you played in Reno, mid-'80s. My funniest memory of Pierre was in a tournament at the Flamingo, and we were down to about five players. I flopped top set, got multiple action, and turned a full house to (I figured) beat any flush (there were three clubs on board) and then rivered quads. Unfortunately, Pierre also had a big river - a straight flush. My stack went from most chips to fewest, but still alive.
Later, Pierre took a beat with a rivered straight and whined about it twice. The second time I said, "You're mad you got rivered? You made the biggest draw-out of the tournament, catching perfect-perfect to make a straight flush!" Ah well, it's always tough to take a bad beat. I came in second.
Crazy that I remember so much really old crap and can't remember what I had for breakfast!