Today's feature is from a casino near and dear to my heart. Some of may or may not know that I'm a painting contractor based in in Central City, CO. I've been in business for over 20 years and over that time period I have painted many of the old casino/commercial bldgs. here in Central and Black Hawk. My work can be seen all over town and this past summer after several years of pestering and negotiation I was able to finally seal a deal with the family-owned operation that is Dostal Alley Casino. The bldg. hadn't been painted/restored in a couple decades but after 1000lbs mortar repair, a hundred or so gallons of primer, a hundred plus tubes of caulk, countless rolls of paper & tape and 1000's of dollars' worth of paint we finished the project with fine results. A few pics of the project for your enjoyment, that's me up in the lift basket!! Also, important to note the personal connection I have with these collectibles; I love it as I do my job!!!!