Jim had told me that the reason why it was a poor shot (and the photo should be archived here) was because it was from a local tabloid halftone.
My response to Tom, was that maybe 'both' plaques in the shot were flash by Victor (In AC)... and maybe something he did often which is not uncommon for someone to do at a wheel and jokingly call for change (a color) and of course not dropped. I did it often with the big, oval CH plaque when a British croup was at a wheel.
For Tom to mention the £100,000 "plaques" in his book and the exact process how they became, he had to have got the information from someone who knew what they were talking about; either Victor or someone very close to Victor... and there could be very good reason why nothing else is known (mentioned); especially if only used on a private game and in a private room where nobody else would know they existed -- except the manufacturer... and I think there were exactly 10 pieces of the £100,000 made and not 11, as with other very low productions where one piece was kept in shop.
Tom did a lot of research and asked a lot of questions before he published anything. I believe what he said is very accurate about the £100,000 plaques... What all is in the photo we are talking about remains to be seen and confirmed once we find Jim's post or the photo that Jim told me over the phone, he could not find any longer... I had also mentioned here in one of the threads is that contacting the publisher (?) of the tabloid/newspaper in AC might be a good idea...