This is a small part of a large collection I bought several years ago. The gentleman I purchased it from had wide-ranging interests –
he collected chips, tokens, cards, matchbooks, etc. – and these interesting items.
Here is his original description of these pieces in its entirety:
“SIAM (THAILAND) – A constitutional monarchy in SE Asia extending into the Malay Peninsula. The name was changed from Siam to
Thailand in 1939.
8 Fuang = 1 Tical
64 Att = 1 Tical
100 Satang = 1 Tical (Baht)
Siamese Numerals
OLD PORCELAIN COINS/CHIPS from the reign of King Rama V (1868-1910)
Porcelain coins known as “Pi” were originally gambling chips. They were introduced during the Ayudhya period by Chinese gamblers.
Later they were used in commercial transactions as well and became, in effect, legal tender. In 1875, the Siamese government officially
banned their use for commercial purposes.
“Pi” were made of brass, glass, and porcelain tile in several styles and designs: Chinese characters, animals, insects, flowers, fish, etc.”
These do not fit my collecting interests at this time – please feel free to contact me directly if these items are of interest to you.