I cannot begin to say what a fantastic show this turned out to be. Anyone that thinks this is a one-man project will be sadly mistaken. I would like to acknowledge all the following members and friends that made this possible. Saying Thank You is not strong enough to show my appreciation for their fine work.
SNCCC Board Members
Rick Lonski (Vice President) His large amount of donations for the Membership table and goody bags was over the top. Allowing us to store our items at his warehouse made it easy to organize and transport the items to the show.
Terri Lonski (Treasurer) Was a great help in setting up the show as well as helping tear it down on Saturday. She was part of the Auction Crew and distributed the tax forms for distribution as well as the accounting of the money received.
Wendy Schultz (Secretary) Made many donations to the club and assisted volunteers in facilitating the Club Raffles. She has allowed us to store our show equipment at her home.
Gregg Fisher (Membership) Achieved great success in signing up 29 new members for our Club. Gregg by far has been the best Membership Director since my tenure in the Club. His attention to the scope of the job has been exemplary. Gregg also allowed us to exhibit his Guinness Collection which was a big draw for the show. He was also part of the tear-down crew.
Rich Klabacha (Director at Large ) continues to be a major donor to our Club Functions. His donations to the Goody bags and Membership table helped make this a very fun Show.
Show Chairs
Brad Smith (Publicity) did a remarkable job promoting the show. He exceeded all expectations in the amount of exposure we received. His professional approach to promoting the Show made our show a huge success. He also assisted in the teardown.
Ron Gaudette (Social Media) Videographed the entire show and posted many segments on our Facebook site. Ron also was very instrumental in helping set up the show and particularly in the tear-down. His help made the process go smoothly and quickly. Also performing cocktail runs was particularly rewarding for the Registration Crew.
Chuck Gajewski (Show Photographer) Aside from being one of our dealers Chuck did an awesome job of capturing the atmosphere of the show. His candid pictures some of which have been posted will be a great memory in the years to come. Chuck also played a very big hand in helping us tear down the show on the last night. He is a remarkable Club member and we are lucky to have him.
Vicki Gaudette (Registration) put in many hours at the registration Table. She was also very instrumental in helping with the folding of table cloths and tear down. She availed herself with whatever was needed to make this a great show.
Sam Wagmenister (Registration) Work many shifts at the table and also at his own expense produced a Show Program. In the short amount of time he had, he put together an 8-page program.
Gary Smith (Promotions) Helped put together the 250 goody bags and also worked the Registration Table.
Maureen Smith (Promotions) Helped with the goody bags and was available for any needed job
Rick Steiner (Promotions) Was very instrumental in working on the Promotions Table and Raffles. His attention to the raffler times was very beneficial to me as I was very distracted and he kept me on time
Robyn Steiner ( Promotions) helped immensely in keeping the raffles and promotional Table running smoothly;y and efficiently. In closing, I would also like to Thank The CCA and Mogh Bod for allowing us to rent for a nominal fee some of the equipment used at our show.
Cindy Vergatos (Wife & Partner) Worked tirelessly in helping me do everything else that was needed. Her support and drive kept me going
I also wish to that thank the CCA and MoGH Board members for allowing us to rent some equipment at a nominal fee to make our show great.
I am very proud to be a member of all these organizations and hope we can all contribute to making our hobby everlasting
As a final note, I wish to thank the Management at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino for facilitating the show. The SNCCC has a long-standing relationship with them and we are grateful for their efforts in putting this show together
Jerry Vergatos