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Re: nice chip
In Response To:
Re: And if Charles gets tired of it...
if you dont mind me asking what does one like that go for? I may be interested in one like it.
Messages In This Thread
Foxwoods chips (1st release)
Images Courtesy of the ChipGuide
Re: Images Courtesy of the ChipGuide
In fairness
Re: In fairness
let's hope that's your only mistake todayyou mak
Why the Chip Guide has to do this...
Re: Why the Chip Guide has to do this...
Re: Why the Chip Guide has to do this...
Has nothing to do with age
Re: And if Charles gets tired of it...
Pam, You're very welcome.
Re: nice chip
you're digging a hole fast
Re: you're digging a hole fast
And you will be the first one
Re: And you will be the first one
Re: And you will be the first one
seen some jerks on this board, but Justin gets the
Re: seen some jerks on this board, but Justin gets
2nd and 3rd wouldnt be popular and start trouble
Why is there a reply to this post 7 msgs above?
Re: Why is there a reply to this post 7 msgs above
Re: Why is there a reply to this post 7 msgs above
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