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My wife makes an awesome stir fry with slice up sausage peppers ,onions, yellow squash, green squash and some times potatoes and wow I m getting hungry talking about it. And then I take some acid reflux meds to ward off any discimfort LOL. Ron

Messages In This Thread

NEW: Italian hot sausage peper and onion sandwich.
NEW: Gastronomical delight but it would talk back to me
NEW: Yeah. The skin of the bell pepper is hard ~~
NEW: Sounds good. I've got to try that, especially with
NEW: Re: Italian hot sausage peper and onion sandwich.
NEW: Look good...
NEW: Re: Italian hot sausage peper and onion sandwich.
NEW: Re: Italian hot sausage peper and onion sandwich.
NEW: Re: Italian hot sausage peper and onion sandwich.
NEW: Re: Italian hot sausage peper and onion sandwich.
NEW: Ahhh, a man after my own heartburn!
NEW: Been in Florida over 50-years and I still ~~~

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