This reminds me of the 2004 convention at the Riviera Hotel and Casino. I've been homebrewing beer as a hobby since 1988, and the annual National Homebrew Convention was being held the same date and place that year. I couldn't believe it when I saw an ad with the dates and location in a brewing magazine! So I was able to attend the chip show in the morning, then duck into one of the brewing seminars that was happening in afternoon, grab some homebrew, and then go back to the chip show. I wore both clubs ID lanyards all day long. It was like a dream for me! :-)
Since that time they have been a week apart and in different cities every year. I choose the chip convention for sure, but in 2015 it was in San Diego one week after the chip convention, so I was able to do both again that year.
Todd Barrett
Ramona, CA