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Thus far none of what you have suggested cost us ~

~~~ a cent.

The ChipGuide is constantly being updated; especially in one region and under the direction of Charles Kaplan who has directed an Administrator to better exhibit monetary unit symbols where needed.

One region has gone through a complete revision with the help of an Administrator who has double-checked with an Historia who is also a Curator of the largest, organized collection in the same region such corrections have been updated and in one instance the original submitter and the Administrator researched a listing of a complete series thought to be of a certain oceanliner and determined via contact with a concerned contributor and all others involved were advised that the complete fleet of ships never had a casino or even a casino license and, once that was made perfectly clear the entry which was brought up by a concerned submitter was moved to a UFC listing and in the same breath the Historian brought to our attention that the complete series in question could be from a casino in a region where other new items were found together and the effort to determine where the UFC series in question is from is now noted where it might possibly be from... in other words the moving of a series from an ocean liner company has been moved to UFC with a notation where that series might be from... of which none of the research and corrections withing this certain region has cost ChipGuide one cent because there was an Administator and a concerned submitter and a Historia who who has been doing what he does for most of his life and letting the world know of his findings and he is not alone -- there are others doing the same thing... and the ocean liner listing is only one instance where updates have been made after a full investigation period which was noted in the listing while ongoing.

The dice that are listed with the Sloppy Joe's listing do not even depict the name of the bar and has never been updated since I brought it up in the past... and my post simply read that the Sloppy Joe's listing should be removed "unless" there is documentation that gambling existed and operated by whom..

Messages In This Thread

One reason why I don't believer every newspaper ~~
grin...and should I really believe this dude ~~~
Or how about my local TV news ~~~
Do you really equate this level of detail with
Re: Do you really equate this level of detail with
That article is not inconsistent
Agree with Michael
Michael; the bottom line, do you feel with ~~~
ATTENTION ChipGuide directors...
Thus far none of what you have suggested cost us ~
WOW 286 words in one sentence !! A new record !!
What was the previous record... ? grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg