I sent the below suggestion to the CCA Suggestion Box earlier today. I'd like some thoughts and discussion on my suggestion - good, bad, waste of time, etc. Thanks in advance
"I suggest that CCA members be allowed to submit questions/concerns in writing (emails, etc.) to the Board prior to the Business meeting.
I believe many members do not attend the business meeting due to a variety of reasons and they may have questions that need to be answered. The questions and Board answers could be published on the CCA website and/or provided as a handout at the meeting and published in a timely manner on the CCA website.
I would suggest that one Board member be the person to whom the questions are submitted and responsible for the answering. An end date for submission of questions should be established (i.e. May 30, 2022). The name and membership number of the submitter and Board member responding to the question would also be added to the question and response.
Bill Lange