…It is just another PCF. Collectors could just go there if they want something different other than The Chip Board. I doubt it will take off. I do though fully understand you wanting to display what an updated & modern forum looks like. But I also doubt that David is going to go in that direction any time soon.
The CCA on the other hand should take note of what their club site could look like. That site as I have said before is antiquated & quite frankly an embarrassment to the club & those who are CCA members. Plus it hardly ever gets used. Nobody cares about it.
All that said, it seems the CCA does not want to do anything with it. Because for YEARS now it has been brought up & absolutely nothing happens. 😖
I have been a club member since December 1996. In all of those years, the club has had it’s ups & downs. I think right now is the lowest point in the club’s history. 🙁
Andy Hughes LM-2471-52