Sure David has a ton of experience and is able to continue to drive this organization... but where are we going? I guess he will tell us his plan at some point. I feel we don't need a new driver... we need to go to the mechanic and get a rebuild for a new trip.
Doug, could you take the other side of your argument and present the case why
the opposite should happen? What would that look like?
I'm not trying to be funny.
I have watched the club/organization go downhill year after year and many times the BOD gets good new ideas suggested... and they get squashed or discounted. Jerry had some good ideas for growth like a new fresh website that was met with resistance and it is hard to get anything done like that. I argued with Eric Rosenblum and the BOD years ago, (I think you were Pres. at the time) to move the organization's 501c3 home to Nevada so we could qualify for more funding opportunities related to our mission and the region. Finally, that happened through Jerry's work... geez... it was work but it was worth it. Now... We need a strategic plan for grant writing? You work your butt off for the club with the raffle fundraiser... which is greatly appreciated but grants are where significant sustainable funding comes from. They will be our best ROI. Who's working on that? We need to clean up this house... Don't you think it is odd that we have webmasters in every corner of the room and still the club website looks like crap? No one uses that sad board either... Ironically we are all here on a for-profit board owned by David who wants to be our (non-for-profit) President. I wouldn't care if the CCA were not a 501c3 but we are and how this has been allowed to happen year after year is pathetic. There is a serious conflict of interest between the two boards. It would be great if David would donate this board to the CCA and we merge it with the other site
and we find an option for chip sales that would benefit the club and still abide by the rules of our 501c3.
The CCA needs to work on programming related to its mission... that's where the future is. Not more paid memberships. If I were President, I would jockey to get rid of voting membership altogether, just membership. How many hours of the hours that BOD members work are spent trying to please individual members. That is a waste of time. Reform the BOD structure and focus on programming and people will want to be involved. I'm not sure why... but our BOD pays nothing in Board dues and makes most of the decisions as to the direction of the organization and the volunteers do the majority of the work. This needs to change in my opinion. If our BOD structure doesn't change, I predict that the CCA will continue on the present downward trend. The good news is that there are signs of life outside of this organization and chip collecting, in general, is stronger than I have seen it in years. Let's hope that the convention brings in some of these new folk, I've been including flyers with every mailing I do. I have extras that Jerry sent me if anyone needs them. Thanks for listening ;) Good luck to whoever becomes the President.