2 words: Social media

(and a smiley)

Messages In This Thread
- Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Ain't gonna happen around here. In business or ~~~
- Not sure I catch your drift
- Re: Not sure I catch your drift
- Correct. Nothing changes until someone changes it
- Re: Correct. Nothing changes until someone change
- Let's hope that's true, right?
- Re: Correct. Nothing changes until someone change
- Though nothing I have said was pointing to Oscar ~
- I saw that suggestion and liked it
- Not really meant or suggested as a ~~~
- Re: Though nothing I have said was pointing to Osc
- Re: Though nothing I have said was pointing to Osc
- Re: Though nothing I have said was pointing to Osc
- I didn't say I don't expect to see things change.
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Thank you for your reply and input
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Tell me how many people like a given post
- Why would anyone who sees a post even care ~~~
- Well, if there was a literal "like" button...
- Re: Well, if there was a literal "like" button...
- Then I'll assume you're one of my "geezers", eh?
- Please define “young people”
- Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good..
- Re: Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good.
- Re: Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good.
- Re: Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good.
- Regarding the free/discounted memberships
- Barry -- many years before you joined, I was the
- Re: Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good.
- Re: Please define “young people”
- Re: Please define “young people”
- Here are a couple of my Cents on Boards.
- Re: Here are a couple of my Cents on Boards.
- Re: Here are a couple of my Cents on Boards.
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
- 2 words: Social media
(and a smiley)
- At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
- Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
- Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
- Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
- Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
- Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
Copyright 2022 David Spragg