Points on this thread.
Here is another idea:
Why are dues only $30 a year. $30 is absolutely nothing these days.
Dues should be raised to a minimum of $99 per year, especially if the magazine will continue to be produced.
Don’t you think most club members would pay that if this is an organization they truly want to be a part of? Sure you might lose some members, but think of the influx of cash into the club on dues alone.
Stop having club members give away new memberships. It only cheapens the club and how many of those freebie new members actually contribute to the club and rejoin the following year on their own dime? I would say not many.
I have been a member, left, been a member, left and now I am thinking about rejoining again if some of these new changes that have been mentioned here are implemented. I would rather pay $100 a year for a club with a bright future that I believe in than pay $30 a year for a dying club with little or no future. Who wants to be a part of that?
Just my $.02..