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Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion

I try to avoid the political side of this hobby as it has generally upset me over the years. That being said, for the most part I agree with your assessment and believe that engaging someone such as Oscar would truly be beneficial. If I were at the helm of this club I would appoint him immediately to a board position. He brings a youthful intelligent approach to this hobby. He sees things differently than we do and that perspective is invaluable to this club. I have stated previously “He is the future of this club”. Figuratively of course. If not him, obviously some other young person. I urge our leadership to appoint him to our board and give him a voice. We all just may learn something. The future is not in the way we currently operate. If there is not a board position available, then create it. Advisory committees don’t work. A full board position is my suggestion, and this can happen immediately if the existing board is willing to expand. We need to put our egos aside and listen. This is not about who has the biggest collection or the rarest item or who has been collecting for fifty years. It is about survival and growth! With all of the technology at our disposal we should be a much larger group. I have always said the CCA is the organized part of this hobby, sharing information and promoting conventions. Please take it to the next level or at least try. As a disclosure, I don’t know Oscar.

Messages In This Thread

NEW: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Ain't gonna happen around here. In business or ~~~
NEW: Not sure I catch your drift
NEW: Re: Not sure I catch your drift
NEW: Correct. Nothing changes until someone changes it
NEW: Re: Correct. Nothing changes until someone change
NEW: Let's hope that's true, right?
NEW: Re: Correct. Nothing changes until someone change
NEW: Though nothing I have said was pointing to Oscar ~
NEW: I saw that suggestion and liked it
NEW: Not really meant or suggested as a ~~~
NEW: Re: Though nothing I have said was pointing to Osc
NEW: Re: Though nothing I have said was pointing to Osc
NEW: Re: Though nothing I have said was pointing to Osc
NEW: I didn't say I don't expect to see things change.
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Thank you for your reply and input
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: like
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Tell me how many people like a given post
NEW: Why would anyone who sees a post even care ~~~
NEW: Well, if there was a literal "like" button...
NEW: Re: Well, if there was a literal "like" button...
NEW: Then I'll assume you're one of my "geezers", eh?
NEW: [THANKS] grin
NEW: Please define “young people”
NEW: Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good..
NEW: Re: Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good.
NEW: Re: Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good.
NEW: Re: Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good.
NEW: Regarding the free/discounted memberships
NEW: Barry -- many years before you joined, I was the
NEW: Re: Archie, Barry, and Others Make Some Very Good.
NEW: Re: Please define “young people”
NEW: Re: Please define “young people”
NEW: Here are a couple of my Cents on Boards.
NEW: Re: Here are a couple of my Cents on Boards.
NEW: Re: Here are a couple of my Cents on Boards.
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: Re: Officer/Board/Committee Suggestion
NEW: 2 words: Social media grin (and a smiley)
NEW: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
NEW: Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
NEW: Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
NEW: Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
NEW: Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...
NEW: Re: At the risk of repeating myself, I believe...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg