New blood is essential to any form of continuing success for this Club in my opinion. I have personally seen several organizations to which I belong wither and die as old guys pass and no younger members step up. Specifically, my VFW Post is now a public bar, my American Legion Post is gone and the Moose Lodge is on it’s last legs.
In at least one case, we tried to infuse young members by forming s Sons of the Legion and they could have social activities etc. separate from the old membership. Of course the Geezer Patrol griped about their use of the hall and the effort failed.
Instead of Geezers like me and others pontificating about what young members want, it would make sense to get a group of younger members together and draw up strategies to build membership. We have several younger members that could be called on, but they would need support from the Board.
In what may be totally off the wall, maybe we could infuse a gambling element into the Club so people could bet through the site. The laws on gambling continue to be liberalized everywhere.
I know this...without some formal effort to “refresh” the membership, this ship will sink and all the nay-sayers who haven’t been off their couches in years will wonder what happened.
Jim Linduff