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There are Club Members who want you and ~~~
In Response To: Your Club Members ()

~~~ many others who are considering to join or rejoin and they want you and others to be part of a club that they worked long and hard to keep honest and to weed out those who do not play by the rules; our Code of Ethics.

Would you or anyone else who is thinking of joining a group whose majority of members are willing to make public any violation of our Code of Ethics, investigate and remove anyone for not playing by the rules a good step in the right direction where you would feel safe that some 30+ year members are making it possible and have done so since this club was formed ... or, would you prefer some members run rampant and do as they please and come and go as they please for their own benefit and not care how it could hurt you, me and all the club?

Two of the most well respected members of our club happen to be folks who want to educate and run the operation at ChipGuide along with a team of administrators who search the World over in order to bring you, me and all of our membership along with anyone else who might not be a member the most accurate information whenever we visit ChipGuide with the most up to date, true, information about casino chips and all other areas of interst... Can you honestly say what they are doing is not what you think is the correct thing to do when they claim something or someone is not right for the benefit of everyone who visits ChipGuide...!

If what is being said is correct, our club will follow through in the same manner as we did with the FAKE Brass Core investihation... a measure that made our club better than what it was, previously... and, if our club does receive information via our claims department that is a false claim has been made, our club will take the proper steps in alerting others to not bring forh any false claims... which they would do without anyone having to remind them.

The whole process works and works well and protects everyone; everyone.

Long live the CCGTCC/CCA...

Messages In This Thread

Your Club Members
Re: Your Club Members
Re: Your Club Members
I agree to a point Walt.
Thank you Archie!
Wow Trey! That was moving and powerful! Thank you
You’re welcome!
Well put Trey
Thanks Mike! Exactly...
There are Club Members who want you and ~~~
John, you just can't Let it go
Re: John, you just can't Let it go

Copyright 2022 David Spragg